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Become A HandsOn Business Partner
HandsOn Central California is committed to finding ways to engage civic and community minded businesses in meaningful opportunities to serve. HandsOn can provide opportunities to network with other businesses with volunteer programs, create custom service projects that fit your needs, interests, and budget, and provide resources and tools to track the service completed by your employees as well as the different areas of community impact that they are helping to support.
Through HandsOn@Work, HandsOn Central California prepares, coordinates, and executes all aspects of your planned projects. All your team has to do is show up, volunteer, and have fun! HandsOn guides companies of all sizes through the often-unfamiliar territory of volunteer service project planning. Drawing on our network of agency partnerships and planning expertise, HandsOn designs ongoing volunteer programs or one-time events, specifically tailored to the needs and interests of your company.
Employee Service Tracking & Impact Reporting provides your employees with the tools to search, signup for, and report on the volunteer service they are doing in the community. With the HandsOn Connect volunteer portal your employees can easily manage their volunteer profiles, activities, and verified service hours. Managers can receive detailed reports of their employees’ service hours and community impact.