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About Membership
Click Signup/Registration on the menu to the left to create a free volunteer membership on HandsOnCentralCal.org!
Court Ordered Community Service: If you are looking for a Court Ordered Community Service opportunity –please call HandsOn for more information (559) 237-3101. These opportunities are not eligible unless you meet with a member of the Court Referral Staff.
Volunteer Membership Allows You To:
- Search and Register for Volunteer Opportunities.
- Stay up to date on volunteer opportunities and service events in your area.
- Record and Track your service including: Hours and Organizations served.
- Create and Manage Volunteer Teams.
- Research and Contact Organizations who serve the causes that interest you.
Help & Training
Visit Our Help Page to view videos on how to register and manage your account, search and signup for volunteer opportunities, and create and manage volunteer teams. If you have any questions or concerns feel free to contact HandsOn Central California at (559) 237-3101.