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Organization Profile

John C. Fremont Hospital Foundation


The John C. Fremont Hospital Foundtion (JCFHF) is an autonomous, non-profit, 501(c)(3), non-governmental organization. JCFHF was founded in 1980 to support the John C. Fremont Healthcare District (JCFHD) with the procurement and extension of financial aid toward the operation, maintenance, and modernization of District facilities, as well as to provide the greatest amount of healthcare services to the greatest number of people either served by the Healthcare District or residing within the jurisdiction of the District, and to carry on other charitable and educational activities and events associated with this goal as allowed by law. To fulfill this purpose, the Foundation is engaged in several activities: Fun and exceptional fundraising events throughout the year A wellness partnership with several entities to provide educational events promoting wellness Hospital and community grant-making to support local strategies promoting health, including equipment, scholarships, event sponsorship, and so forth Assisting the District to raise necessary funding for the construction of a new hospital -- a new facility required by California to meet current earthquake standards.

Health & Wellness
Families, Low-income Communities
5189 Hospital Road, Mariposa, CA, 95338, United States

Common Messages